Best SEO Company in Bangalore – Starrayto

What is SEO?

SEO – Search engine optimization is more commonly known as its acronym SEO. Optimization is the basis of all SEO practices. Once your brand’s presence (website, content and social media platforms) is optimized across the internet, you increase its online visibility. Your website will find its way to the first page of the search engine results pages (SERPs).
Your online customers will find your business much quicker too. Don’t Worry If You Know Idea About Your SEO. SEO Company in Bangalore – Starrayto Can Help You Out With Seo.

Why Does A Business Need SEO?

Every business owner wants greater value for their investment. Everyone wants higher profit margins. SEO saves money. Consider SEO as an employee who never clocks out. SEO never calls in sick. SEO never takes a vacation. SEO works for you 24/7, even when you are sleeping.
No, SEO will not answer the phone. However, it will keep the phone ringing. SEO done correctly will direct customers to your website and place them in front of your products, services, and brand. Don’t Worry If You Know Idea About Your SEO. SEO Company in Bangalore – Starrayto Can Help You Out With Seo.

Why Do You Need SEO?

SEO Company in Bangalore – Starrayto

Revolutionize your business

Relavant Keywords
Once your website is optimized with rich content and SEO services, you will appear at or near the top of organic search results of different search engines for relevant keywords.
This guarantees the diversion of a huge relevant traffic to your website that will change and improve your business forever.

Cost effective solution

Covertion Rates Digital
Once you are doing it right, SEO makes sure to get you new organic leads and traffic regularly.
Of course it is better to obtain an organic top ranking than pay for individual campaigns continuously to attract traffic.

Users trust google

Google search
Users tend to search for details of their products on Google before making any purchase and trust its result because they find the relevant information on the first page itself.

Your competitor are doing it too.

Search Engine Result
You are not the only one wanting to rank first on search engine result pages. Your competitors work hard to increase their ranking on relevant keyword searches that have high monthly search volumes. If you are not there too, then you’ll be out of business soon enough.

Our SEO Process

SEO Company in Bangalore – Starrayto

1. Discover

As your search engine optimization company, we take the time to understand your business needs, demands and expectations. During the discovery phase, we set up a meeting with your key company stakeholders and conduct an initial site review. Afterwards, we identify your key performance indicators (KPIs), determine your conversion path and perform extensive keyword research. Doing so allows us to gain in-depth knowledge of your company’s processes, site purpose and goals

2. Analyze

The next step is analysis, which covers competitive benchmarking, in-depth site audit, site analytics review and link risk assessment. In this stage, we collect and analyze all your business data to determine the factors that affect your digital presence.
We look at your historical traffic patterns, on-site technical issues, competitor’s backlink strategies and link building tactics. We utilize the analytics results in formulating the best approach for your SEO.

3. Strategize

Once we’ve identified your marketing gaps and opportunities, our SEO experts will create a 60-day strategic online marketing plan (SOMP).
This includes your campaign goals, expected outcomes for each marketing channel and estimated completion time. During the first month of your campaign, our SEO company prioritizes the most critical aspects of your SEO. This is to ensure all our SEO efforts deliver immediate, targeted results

4. Execute

In this phase, we start executing the SOMP. We optimize your web pages and blog posts with high-performing keywords, improve your site structure and manage your business listings.
Our SEO company also leverages a multiple channel strategy to improve your overall SEO results. We implement social media management campaigns and reach out to third-party websites to increase your online reach.

5. Measure

From the moment you sign up with our SEO company, we set up a tracking system that allows us to monitor your online progress and understand the impact of your SEO campaign.
We monitor and analyze your analytics, keyword rankings and KPI. Our SEO experts also look at your organic traffic, bounce rate, conversion rate, local visibility and click-through rates (CTRs). By monitoring your SEO efforts, we gain actionable insights and improve your optimization strategies.

6. Report

Our SEO team schedules regular consultations and monthly reports with your project managers to keep you up-to-date with your campaign progress. During our consultation, we present a comprehensive report that provides an overview of your site performance.
This includes your KPI trends, overall traffic and ranking. Every month, we create a new 90-day roadmap, so you know exactly how your campaign is doing and what to expect.

7. Adjust

As part of our ongoing SEO efforts, we continuously adjust our optimization strategies based on the latest algorithm updates and market trends. Search engines are dynamically changing and industry demands are continuously evolving.
As such, we take a proactive approach to ensure your website ranks high on search results. Trust our SEO team to make the necessary adjustments and keep you informed of your campaign progress at all times.

SEO Services

SEO Company in Bangalore – Starrayto

Keyword Research & Strategy

Competitive & frequently searched keywords are more expensive and take a longer time to reflect back. Our agency understands your niche and can boost your ranking for specific search terms.
Your dedicated SEO specialist will review the keywords your website is currently ranking for, take your keyword wishlist and conduct additional keyword research to build a list that makes the most sense for your website and the competitive landscape.

Technical SEO

Web pages load speed, crawlability, URLs structure, website code quality, website security. Rankings can improve with optimizations on your website’s back-end, such as improving page speed.
By fixing these errors, it makes it easier on search engines when they crawl your website. And when you make search engines happy, your rankings can make you even happier!

Link Building

Backlinks are a huge component of ranking higher in search results, but not just any link! That’s why you should partner with a search engine optimization company like Starrayto that has a dedicated link building team and has connections with many high-quality and relevant websites

Content Writing

We have a team of writers that produce SEO-friendly content for your website, whether that’s creating share-worthy blog posts or optimizing pre-existing service and product pages with more content.
Search engines love a website that adds new content on a regular basis. Choose our SEO firm to support your content needs and bolster your search marketing

On-Page Optimization

Enhance your online visibility and earn high-quality traffic. At Thrive, we ensure our SEO services are aligned with search engines’ best practices to boost your website’s trustworthiness.
Our SEO experts publish unique, value-rich content, optimize your headlines and HTML tags and utilize high-resolution images. Search engines constantly update their algorithms. Content build for users, Click Through Rates, Usability, Keywords Strategy, Interlinking.

Off-Page Optimization

Off-page optimization is crucial in establishing brand credibility and increasing online exposure.
Partner with our SEO company and let us help you demonstrate your industry expertise. We leverage social media marketing, link building and influencer marketing to generate qualified links and positive ratings. Building high-quality and relevant back link that drive heavy traffic is the final step to ensure you are well reached out than your competitors.

Local SEO

Statistics show that 64 percent of customers search for local businesses online. Improve your company’s local SEO rankings with Google Business Profile or Google My Business (GMB) optimization and attract high-intent customers.
We optimize your GMB profile and manage your online reputation to grow your local following.
Web pages load speed, crawlability, URLs structure, website code quality, website security.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Increase your customers’ lifetime value and grow your online revenue with Starrayto CRO services. Our SEO marketing company integrates pay-per-click marketing with our SEO services to maximize your conversion opportunities. We perform website analyses, landing page optimization and A/B split testing

Why Choose Us For SEO

SEO Company in Bangalore – Starrayto

Relationships & Results

We live by our two primary core values: Relationships and Results. We’re here for every client, that’s our pillar. We have SEO experts who specialize in helping businesses of all sizes — from small businesses to large, national franchises — achieve exponential growth.
Our search engine optimization company believes in owning the voice of our clients and we work hard every day to prove it.

We Play Fair

We value honesty and integrity in everything we do. We always play fair, using white hat SEO to drive results without spamming or gaming the system that can lead to possible Google penalties. Simply put: We don’t have to cheat to win in SEO.
As a Google Premier Partner, we play by the rules and never jeopardize your business in any way. We never compromise our integrity

We’re Always Getting Better

SEO is never stagnant and neither are we. SEO is always changing because of multiple Google algorithm updates each year that impact ranking factors and we are always on top of the latest news and trends.
Our search engine optimization company is constantly learning new techniques and staying up-to-date to remain ahead of the curve. Rest assured, our SEO company is proactive and not reactive.

Transparent Reporting

While our competitors use smoke and mirrors, we maintain full transparency so you can see first-hand how our efforts are increasing your online revenue.
Our custom, in-depth reporting includes Google Analytics reports to give you a full overview of your site’s SEO performance, regularly updated keyword rankings and a monthly breakdown of the SEO tasks we’ve performed.
We can also provide monthly video summary reviewing the SEO improvements and strategy.

SEO Services You Can Expect From Starrayto

As a full-service digital marketing company, Thrive offers a comprehensive array of professional search engine optimization services to get your business more visibility in search using only trustworthy, future-proof, white hat SEO techniques, such as:

•  Custom SEO Strategy: We customize our SEO services to fit your needs. We use the tactics that make the most impact for your unique business.

•  Comprehensive Onsite SEO: Title tags, meta descriptions, alt tags, internal linking, etc.

•  Thorough keyword research and market analysis.

•  High-quality copywriting to keep your site content fresh and encourage return traffic.

•  In-depth evaluation of the competition.

•  Careful Link Building: By hand, on diverse domains with high domain authority.

•  Organic SEO tactics for long-term results coupled with paid ads for quick boosts (if PPC is something you’re interested in pursuing).

•  Syndication of articles on social media, curated sites and news outlets.

•  Google Analytics and other data tracking software to learn from trends, traffic and more.

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