How To Create a Social Media Marketing Package

How To Create a Social Media Marketing Package

How To Create a Social Media Marketing Package

Social media marketing is the use of internet networking tools to promote businesses and services. Advertising and marketing organizations may provide social media marketing packages that involve content production and management. If you work as a marketer or advertising manager, learning how to develop a social media marketing package can be useful.

In this article, we will define How To Create a social media marketing package and demonstrate how to develop one for your clients.

Table of Contents

What is a social media marketing package?

A social media package is a set of products and services you may provide to clients to assist them promote their content. Social media packages frequently include the creation and management of a variety of social media profiles. They also frequently offer things such as templates and content calendars that businesses can utilize to boost their social media marketing. Depending on your business, you may provide various tiers of packages, ranging from simple or beginner to extensive packages.

Why offer social media packages?

As a marketing or advertising business or freelancer, providing a social media package to your clients might be advantageous. Potential clients may be more likely to use your business if it contains both classic and new advertising options.
Offering social media packages can help demonstrate to clients that you are committed to staying current with technology and learning about new marketing tactics.

Packages also allow clients to tailor services to their own need. These packages are often suitable for a variety of budgets, priorities, and timetables. For example, a customer with a high budget may wish to use multiple types of social media, whereas a small firm may only need assistance improving its presence on the app it uses the most.

How To Create a Social Media Marketing Package? with social media package examples:

Here are the steps you may take to create a social media marketing package:

1. Identify what services you can offer
Examine the types of material you create, such as visuals, videos, text postings, and captions. Social media marketing packages may also include more advanced, specialist services such as search engine optimization (SEO), strategy consultation, influencer collaborations, and community management. Consider including reports and platform audits in your packages so that clients can keep informed about how their content performs.

2. Determine the different levels to offer
The next stage in creating a social media marketing package is deciding which levels you want to provide. Offering several levels is vital since it allows you to cater to a wide range of clients and marketing budgets.
For example, you may offer clients a beginner package, a mid-sized package, and an advanced package.

It may be a good idea to offer at least three levels of packages, but you can always design more specialized packages for various consumers. For example, you could develop a bundle that includes only content for clients that want to manage their own accounts. You may also provide add-ons so that customers may completely customize the product they receive.

3. Consider content, profiles, and reports
When developing your packages, you should consider content, profiles, and reports. Most social media marketing packages contain at least two profiles, so your initial package may include this level. A medium-sized package may comprise five profiles, but an advanced package may contain nine.
An advanced profile with nine accounts is likely to cover all of the social media channels on which the client wishes to promote their products or services. You may also think of content in terms of how many posts you make for each profile per week.

When building packages, you may also want to report or explain to the client how their marketing activities are performing. For example, you could provide one report per month for the basic subscription, two per month for the medium package, and weekly reports for the advanced package.

4. Create marketing bundle add-ons
You can develop personalized marketing package add-ons after you’ve designed your package tiers and decided which components to include. These are little services or goods that clients can add to their packages to make them more tailored to their specific needs. For example, you may incorporate additional consultation sessions, competitor analysis, more content, introductions to new platforms, engagement management, and one-time social event management.
You might also provide performance metrics reports that detail engagement. This enables clients to study which techniques are connecting with customers and evaluate their return on investment (ROI) in order to inform future marketing decisions.

5. Set package guidelines and boundaries
It is critical to establish standards and boundaries for clients so that they understand what to expect from customer service and available resources. For example, you may inform them that your team is ready to speak with them throughout regular office hours. If you have the resources, you can incorporate more availability in your advanced package. It might also be beneficial to be explicit about the content you’re willing to produce and the number of modifications you’re willing to make before finalizing an article when setting boundaries and rules.

6. Price your packages competitively
Once you’ve defined your borders, bundles, and add-ons, you can decide how to price them. Consider evaluating your competitors’ price and offerings, as well as the amount of time and effort your marketing staff may need to put in at each level. It is critical to price your packages high enough to generate a profit for the firm while remaining affordable enough to attract new clients. Consider providing temporary discounts to customers who transfer from other marketing businesses to assist you in expanding your customer base and gathering testimonials.

Below are some examples on How To Create a Social Media Marketing Package different packages you might offer your clients, along with the social media management services included in each:

Basic Package

If you’re looking to establish a page, our firm can launch an optimized profile on a social media platform of your choice. We create 20 posts per month, which includes one video per week and original graphics every day. This plan is for organizations that want to manage their own accounts.

  • One social network
  • One strategy session
  • Page creation
  • Content creation (20 posts per month)
  • One video per week
  • Daily graphics
  • Page optimization
  • Content calendar

Price: 10,000

Advanced Package

Our Advanced Package caters to organizations that want to widen their reach with two social networks. It adds more posts and includes influencer marketing, account management and monthly strategy sessions.

  • Two social networks
  • Monthly strategy sessions
  • Page creation
  • Content creation (50 posts per month)
  • Three videos per week
  • Daily graphics
  • Page optimization
  • Content calendar
  • Scheduling and posting
  • Influencer partnerships
  • Weekly reports
  • Monthly platform audits

Price: 15,000

Premium Package

The Premium Package maximizes your engagement with optimized accounts on six platforms, including both long-form and short-form video platforms. Our team creates targeted content, provides community management services and reports regularly so you always know how your content is performing.

  • Six social networks
  • Bi-monthly strategy sessions
  • Page creation
  • Content creation (120 posts per month)
  • Eight videos per week
  • Daily graphics
  • Page optimization
  • Content calendar
  • Scheduling and posting
  • Influencer partnerships
  • Daily reports
  • Weekly platform audits
  • Boosted posts
  • Ad campaign creation and execution

Price: 20,000

Add-On Services

Add any of the following services to your plan to create a customized solution that meets your unique needs:

  • Social event creation and management: 10,00
  • Additional strategy consulting session: 500
  • Influencer contract negotiation: 2,000
  • Social media style guide: 500
  • Social media audit: 700

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